Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mountains From The Air

Nepal is the country of himalaya and the country of  Sagarmatha (Mt.Everest).

This is Dhaulagiri range. It lies in western part of Nepal.
 Annapurna Range.
Mt.Everest and Mt.Lotse
On the left back one is Mt. Cho-oyu and followed by right is Mt. Gyachung Kang.

Mt. Dhaulagiri
Mt. Machepuchhere (Fishtail)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Basantapur Durbar

Nepal, Temple, Hanumandhoka, Historical place, world heritage site
                                                City of temples, Kathmandu.
Nepal, Temple, Hanumandhoka
This is an idol stone sculptures of Jalasayana Narayana, the substitute of Buddhanilkantha which is in the Eastern part of the palace. It was build by King  Pratap Malla.

Nepal, Temple, Hanumandhoka
    Here is the Taleju temple. It is made in pyagoda style. This is the part of Hanuman Dhoka museum.
 Nepal, Temple, Hanumandhoka
This is the idol of Nepali art, culture and tradition. The palace is decorated with carved wooden windows and panels. There you can visit King Tribhuvan Museum, the Mahendra museum and other State rooms inside the palace.

Nepal, Temple, Hanumandhoka, Window
 This unique traditional window is called 'Aankhi Jhya'. We can see extensive woodcarving in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur Durbar Squares. Aankhi means the eye and Jhyal means Window so a window having small hole like our eyes. Through this window you can see what's happening outside but for others its impossible to see you inside.
Nepal, Temple, Hanumandhoka
A unique example of art.
Courtyard at Hanumandhoka, Nepal, Temple, Basantapur
The courtyard followed by the entrance is known as Nasal chowk where most royal events like coronation,  yagyas and other rituals activities take place.
Nepal, Temple, Hanumandhoka, Basantapur
With the example of extensive woodcarving here is the nine storied palace with its unique traditional architecture which are very attractive.